Dino Attack RPG Wiki

There are many objects that play a role in Dino Attack RPG.


"This is bad. I had no idea Kotua had sided with the BladeBugs..."

The BladeBug is a flying saw-like robot weaponized by Guardian and Kotua.


BladeBugs were first invented by Guardian 3 in 2004 during Mission Deep Freeze. They were deployed across the LEGO Planet to eliminate all minifigs.[2] Several arrived in Antarctica and began targeting Alpha Team agents such as Frozeen and Databoard, although they ignored Alpha Team robots like PBB.[3]

During the Dino Attack, when Kotua recruited Guardian Mk. IV, he ordered the robot to deploy the BladeBugs.[4] They attacked the Mini-Pods piloted by PBB, Turahk-Kal, and Databoard en route to the Voltage. They were then sent to Dino Attack Headquarters and began pursuing Dromus, who struggled to find a way to fend them off. Later, the BladeBugs defended the Voltage from Glide, burying the Dino Attack agent under the shredded ruins of a hangar.[1]


BladeBugs resemble circular sawblades and can tear most obstacles to shreds. They fly through the air in swarms, relentlessly pursuing their target until it is destroyed or they are reassigned. Armor plating protects the BladeBugs' circuitry from water. BladeBugs are about the size of a car, and they can also deploy smaller Child BladeBugs that are armed with beam blasters.[1] Databoard recognized that the BladeBugs' circuitry and design were very different from any Evil OGEL Empire robots.[3]

Bomb Cart[]

"I built that! We found an old mine cart track leading to the fort, and I modified one of the carts-"
"Silence, maggot! We gotta get that bomb in there to blow the enemy's base to pieces! Now get to work!"
Engineer and Soldier[5]

The bomb cart was an explosive cart used by the Second Headquarters Squad to destroy Fort Legoredo.


The bomb cart was originally an old mine cart discovered in the mines of the Wild West. After finding an old mine track leading to Fort Legoredo, Engineer decided to convert the mine cart into a bomb cart. Although the Second Headquarters Squad needed to move out before the engine was fully built, Engineer managed to finish his work along the way.

The bomb cart traveled to Fort Legoredo and detonated, destroying the fortress and killing all Hybrids inside.


Engineer attached a powerful Reliable Excavation Deconstruction explosive (courtesy of Demoman) to the cart, strong enough to destroy Fort Legoredo even after it was reinforced by the Hybrids' XERRD technology. He also gave the cart its own makeshift engine, so it may drive itself down the mine track without anyone pushing it.


"I call upon the Brickster-Bots of OGEL! Take care of the Raptors... while we get the MegaBlok outta here!"
The Brickster[6]

Brickster-Bots are the mischievous robotic henchmen of the Brickster.


Brickster-Bots were created by OGEL Robotics, Inc. on OGEL Island to act as the Brickster's minions, helping him to stir up trouble and steal bricks to continue building OGEL Island. Their most notable acts include stealing the Brickolini's Pizzeria oven and bringing it into space; terrorizing the citizens of LEGO Island after the Constructopedia was destroyed; kidnapping Mama and Papa Brickolini; playing a soccer match against a champion team on Mars; and building the Brickster a tower on Space Mountain to destroy the entire LEGO Planet.

A second squadron of Brickster-Bots was assembled for the Brickster's brother but never put into action. When Frozeen discovered his heritage in 2004, he was able to command these Brickster-Bots, and he eventually modified them into FMB-Bots.

When the Brickster escaped from jail again in 2007, he designed several new models of special operations Brickster-Bots. The Evil OGEL Empire even pitched a Brickspider Bot, although the prototype Brickspider Bot v1.0 proved to be too dangerous and OGEL Robotics, Inc. had to tone it down for the finalized Brickster-Bot Spider model.

During the Dino Attack, Brickster-Bots worked alongside Ogel Drones, Shadow Knights, and Sam Sinister's henchmen to support their villains. When the villains decided to form an alliance with Dino Attack Team, the Brickster-Bots were most notably utilized alongside FMB-Bots in an attack on the Dino Island Laboratory. A crew of Brickster-Bots also helped fly the Brickster's customized T-1 Typhoon and flew him to safety after Dr. Rex shot the helicopter down.


Brickster-Bots are equipped with engines on their feet, allowing them to fly. They can remain active even if their heads are disconnected from their bodies. They can be disabled by throwing a pizza at them, although later models are immune to this weakness. Stronger Brickster-Bots are denoted by the unique colors of their heads, compared to the common grey-headed model. Although they are strong, cunning, and programmed to be loyal to the Brickster, Brickster-Bots' effectiveness is hindered due to their tendency to forgo active villainy in favor of causing annoying mischief. They are also unable to control the urge to dance whenever music is played. The Brickster can summon Brickster-Bots by creating a portal through space, although the exact nature of this portal is unknown.

Chaos Emerald[]

"That would have been bad enough, but then he gave Chaos seven crystals. As the water entity absorbed their energies, Kotua announced to Rex that these crystals would unlock Chaos's full potential, unleashing its true power. It was a foolish and borderline suicidal act, even if Chaos was supposedly his minion, but Kotua was so determined to see Rex die that he simply did not care about the consequences."
Love and War[7]

Chaos Emeralds are crystals that unleash the true potential of Chaos.


In ancient times, the seven Chaos Emeralds were spread across the LEGO Planet after Chaos was imprisoned in a Mayan temple. In 2004, the Chaos Emeralds were collected by Kotua and used to transform Chaos into Perfect Chaos. The Chaos Emeralds were taken away from Perfect Chaos so it could be defeated and sealed away once more, and the crystals were scattered once again. The red emerald was locked in a jewelry store safe; the green emerald was hidden in a house; the yellow emerald was kept by the government agent Andrew Yellowstone; and one emerald was acquired by Lens Pioneers and used to power the Alternate Nexus To Infinity.

In 2010, two of the Chaos Emeralds were found by ShadowTech and studied in their LAB so that they could create their own synthetic copy of Chaos. Kotua recollected the Chaos Emeralds to transform ShadowTech's Chaos into its Perfect Chaos form. The current state of the Chaos Emeralds, following Alpha Chaos's defeat, is unconfirmed.


The main purpose of the Chaos Emeralds are to increase Chaos's power. When Chaos has absorbed the power of all seven crystals, its full potential is reached and it transforms into Perfect Chaos. The Chaos Emeralds also appear to have interdimensional capabilities, since one crystal powered the ANTI and all seven together allowed the Voltage to cross between universes.


  • The Chaos Emeralds are heavily based upon the Chaos Emeralds from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.


The Constructopedia is a red book containing vital building instructions for LEGO Island.

Cosmotronic Ray[]

"Those Cosmotronic Rays should deal with the Raptors quickly."
Holly Vinyaya[8]

The Cosmotronic Ray is a handheld weapon invented by Specs and used by Dino Attack Team.


The Cosmotronic Ray was designed to incapacitate Mutant Dinos. Shortly into the war,[9] it was revealed to have a more important and specific purpose: to use against Mutant Raptors, whose force fields can repel any attack except for Cosmotronic Rays.[10] As a result, when fighting a pack of Mutant Raptors, Dino Attack agents armed with Cosmotronic Rays are usually put at the front lines to quickly dispatch the Mutant Dino threat.[11] A Cosmotronic Ray is powered by unique coolant system to prevent an untimely and catastrophic overheating.[12]

Dark Energy Detector[]

The Dark Energy Detector was a makeshift device assembled by Reptile. It could track extra-dimensional energy sources, such as those of the Maelstrom.

Disasters & Dinosaurs[]

"This RPG was about fighting evil dinosaurs at some point, I think?"
— Trish[13]

Disasters & Dinosaurs: The Official Dino Attack Role-Playing Game is a tabletop role-playing game based upon the Dino Attack.


Disasters & Dinosaurs was released after the Dino Attack due to interest in playing an RPG based upon the war. Its popularity led to an improved second edition being released. The game was particularly enjoyed by high school students, with Vinnie Go acting as DM for sessions held for his group of friends throughout 2020.[13]


Disasters & Dinosaurs allows players to come up with their own unique characters who are assigned various classes to determine their skills and abilities. Soldiers are proficient in combat and standard weaponry; scientists use experimental tools and can tame Mutant Dinos; engineers specialize in technology and can deploy turrets on the battlefield; medics provide support and healing for wounded teammates; and mercenaries tend to be rogues who use underhanded tactics.[13]

One player acts as the "Dino Master", or DM. Their role is to come up with the storylines and scenarios for their fellow players to play out. While there are template storylines for the DM to follow, many DMs prefer to tell their own stories, which may be carefully planned out or completely improvised on the spot.[13]

The gameplay consists largely of roleplay and combat. During roleplay, players act as their characters and narrate what their character is saying or doing. During combat, players take turns fighting against enemies controlled by the DM, using dice rolls to determine the outcome of their actions. A monster manual was published for use by DMs, featuring detailed descriptions of various enemies ranging from common Mutant Dinos to unique bosses such as Chaos.[13]


  • Disasters & Dinosaurs is a reference to the famous tabletop RPG Dungeons & Dragons, combining its concept with Dino Attack RPG itself.

DNA Device[]

The DNA Device was a powerful piece of technology that was capable of altering DNA structures, functioning similarly to the Mutant Dino venom but able to affect targets from range.

Einstein Device[]

The Einstein Device, formerly known as the Doctor Device, was an experimental weapon designed by Dino Attack Team's chief designers. Its primary purpose is to annihilate an entire army of Mutant Dinos while causing minimal damage to the LEGO Planet itself.

Evil Orb[]

"The paper was very yellow and crumpled, and the ink was smudged in many areas, but Rex was able to read one of the headlines: "MIND-CONTROL ORB SPOTTED OFF THE COAST". Provided was an old photograph of Dash, Cam, Radia, and Tee Vee studying what Rex noted to be a Mutation Orb, not a Mind-Control Orb."
Dino Attack RPG[14]

Evil Orbs are devices engineered by Evil Ogel to be spread across the LEGO Planet and help him take over the world.


One of Alpha Team's main priorities is designing technology to counter and disable any type of Evil Orbs, and all field agents are equipped with handheld devices to disarm Evil Orbs.[15] Evil Orbs were manufactured in bulk by the D.O.O.M. machine in Ogel's Deep-Sea Orb Factory,[16] until the D.O.O.M. was hacked and destroyed by Dash Justice at the end of Mission Deep Sea.[15] Since then, Ogel has created more orb-manufacturing machines in his other bases, which Alpha Team has sought to locate and shut down.[17]

Mind-Control Orbs have also been modified by Libo, Alpha Team, and Loop to fulfill specific purposes.[18][19][20] Dino Attack agents made use of Ice Orbs to combat Mutant Dinos,[21][22] and Earthquake Orbs were occasionally utilized during the Goo Caverns campaign.[14][23]


There are four known types of Evil Orbs: Mind-Control Orbs, Mutation Orbs, Ice Orbs, and Earthquake Orbs. It is unknown if any additional Evil Orbs have been made, although Ogel was once toying with the idea of a Telepathy Orb.[24]

Mind-Control Orbs, created from a formula involving Evil Plants and Green Goo, are primarily used for the purpose of turning minifigs into Ogel Drones.[16] Mutation Orbs are a modified version of Mind-Control Orbs that incorporate ethanium crystals in the formula,[25] changing their effect so that they mutate marine organisms.[15]

Ice Orbs rapidly absorb heat from the air to cause a sharp drop in local temperature,[26] often accompanied by the additional effect of freezing gaseous water into solid ice.[27] To deactivate Ice Orbs, Alpha Team agents must use a very precise ray to release the stored heat, and then set up a counter-field to block further absorption of heat.[26]

Earthquake Orbs trigger seismic activities to destabilize the earth.[14]


A Frozeen's Modified Brickster-Bot, often simply called a FMB-Bot, is a Brickster-Bot that follows Frozeen's orders.

G.E. Metal[]

G.E. Metal is a near-invincible metal used in G.E. Bodies.


It tends to be either silver or black in appearance, and takes longer than most metals to heat or cool due to its high specific heat capacity. Thus, users of G.E. Bodies can stand out in the sunshine for hours and not feel the metal burning their skin or muscle. It takes an enormous amount of concentrated energy to melt G.E. Metal, so Alpha Team's rare and dangerous Panrahk XP explosive is one of the few weapons that is capable of achieving this feat.

Certain samples of G.E. Metal have properties that allow them to fuse with Ssol Metal into a completely-invincible metal dubbed Silge Metal. However, these properties are rare among G.E. Metals.

Goo Sphere[]

Goo Spheres are spheres invented by Reptile which can be filled with substances such as Green Goo. When they pass though a body, they deposit their carried substances into that body.

Green Goo[]

Green Goo is a gelatinous substance mined in Ogel's Goo Caverns. It has mind-control properties and is used in the creation of Evil Orbs. During the Dino Attack, Green Goo has been used to shut off the nervous systems of Mutant Dinos.

Hourglass of Atlantis[]

"It be said that he who 'olds th' Hourglass can control th' currents o' time an' see what is, was, an' could've been."

The Hourglass of Atlantis is an ancient treasure of the Golden King.


According to legend, the Hourglass of Atlantis was Poseidon's gift to the Golden King of Atlantis.[28] It was hidden in an ancient Atlantean temple built on Trident Isle for centuries.[29] In the twentieth century, a Greek merchant ship had a map to Trident Isle in its cargo, which was stolen by the pirate crew of the Black Seas Barracuda and kept by Greybeard. In 2020, Captain Greybeard and Quartermaster Mary Rose set sail on the Beatrice's maiden voyage to find the Hourglass of Atlantis.[28] Mary was able to solve the temple's puzzle and find the hidden hourglass in its enchanted fountain, but when she handed the treasure to Greybeard, the captain was marked for death by the Golden King. Mary made it back to the Beatrice with the Hourglass of Atlantis, while Greybeard had to sacrifice himself to save his crew.[29] The hourglass remains in Mary's possession, with the Golden King seemingly content with letting her keep it.[30]


Unlike any normal hourglass, the Hourglass of Atlantis does not hold grains of sand; instead, its glass bulbs appear to contain water that sparkled like diamonds, which is likely the same kind of enchanted water from the temple's fountain on Trident Isle. Its intricately-designed silver handles are decorated with designs of the sea, from the waves on the ocean's surface to the shells of its depths' inhabitants. The Hourglass of Atlantis is able to let its user see into other timelines.[29]


  • As pointed out by One-Eyed Pete, the Hourglass of Atlantis is an anachronism.[29] The first documented use of an hourglass is in the fourteenth century AD, while Plato's allegories of Atlantis date back to the third century BC. This may be excused by the Hourglass of Atlantis's time-based powers.


"I'd tell you to run... but can you run from a bomb that's chasing after you?"

The Holographic Robotic Dinosaur Bomb, commonly abbreviated to H.R.D.B., is an explosive robot that was designed by Finister.


In Timeline 2010-A, Finister built multiple models of Holographic Robotic Dinosaur Bombs, which he employed in an adventure to Adventurers Dino Island as a means to confuse and distract the Adventurers while he worked elsewhere.[9]

When the FUTURE villains went back in time to 2010, Finister was unable to bring any H.R.D.B. with him, but was able to build one using scraps of metal and debris collected in the ruins of the Dino Attack. Finister used the H.R.D.B. to distract Dino Attack agents Rex and Amanda Claw while he kidnapped Roger Remous for interrogation. Rex and Claw succeeded in disabling the robot before it could detonate in front of the newly-rebuilt Dino Attack Headquarters.[7]


The H.R.D.B. is a robot that can disguise itself as a dinosaur using holographic technology.[7] Although multiple models were designed by Finister,[9] the one used during the Dino Attack was modeled after and projected the hologram of a T-Rex. Once the hologram is disabled, the H.R.D.B. begins a countdown before it self-destructs in a fiery explosion.[7]


External Links[]


"A great wave of energy pulsated from the Imagination orb as it grew much larger and much brighter. The energy washed over the interior of the Maelstrom Temple, cleansing it of its corruption and banishing the dark shadows and purple fog."
Dino Attack: At War's End[32]

Imagination is a legendary element and fundamental force of the LEGO Universe, said to be the source of all creation.


Imagination once flowed freely throughout the LEGO Universe and is said to be the instrument of the mythical First Builders. In modern times, most remaining Imagination exists in the Nimbus System, where the Imagination Nexus was once located on Crux before it was corrupted into the Maelstrom by Baron Typhonus. As the Maelstrom threatens to extinguish the Imagination, Nexus Force was founded to protect Imagination and help it flourish.

Imagination is considerably rarer on the LEGO Planet, but several Temples of Creation, including one on Adventurers' Island, were built to contain powerful Imagination orbs. During the Dino Attack, the Imagination of Creative Sparks was used to cure Stromlings, cleanse a corrupted Temple of Creation, power the Einstein Device, and banish the Maelstrom from the LEGO Planet.


Only Imagination can vanquish the destructive and chaotic energies of the Maelstrom, as the two forces exist as opposite sides of the same coin. A powerful source of Imagination, such as the Imagination Nexus, can bring ideas to life. The Creative Spark, the core essence of a minifig, is largely composed of Imagination. Imagination is known to influence positive emotions such as hope and love, which in turn empower Imagination.

Jugend Serum[]

"It's one of the few qualities I share with my biological brother; neither of us care to suffer the ravages of age if we can avoid it."
Katerina Schattenberg[33]

Jugend Serum is a substance developed by Dr. Rex to keep himself young.


Jugend Serum was first developed by Dr. Rex in 1957. He foolishly overdosed himself and injected himself with the Jugend Serum every day, becoming addicted to the substance at the cost of his own physical and mental health. An unwise experiment by Dr. Rex involved mixing Jugend Serum with trace amounts of Maelstrom, which poisoned his body with Maelstrom energy as well as producing hair loss.


Inspired by the mythical Fountain of Youth, the Jugend Serum can greatly stall the physical effects of aging. Unfortunately, this is not without side effects. A healthy dosage not yet been determined, assuming it exists. Overexposure to Jugend Serum can cause addiction, gradually deteriorate mental health, shut off basic functions of the body, and other negative side effects.

Dr. Rex also discovered that exposure to high amounts of Jugend Serum can greatly slow down Minifig metabolism to a point of nearly zero. As a result, Dr. Rex used Jugend Serum to fill his stasis tubes in the Dino Island Laboratory, keeping subjects such as Talia Kaahs and Quasifigus pterisa in stasis indefinitely.


"My new Maelaser no longer corrupts. I... we decided that we're sick of Stromlings. So only a quick, painless incineration for you. That's better than some of my other colleagues' weapons."
— Paulie Gonepus[34]

The Maelaser was a weapon invented by Dr. Paulie Gonepus.


The Maelaser was first seen when Paulie Gonepus intended to corrupt the alpha female T-Rex, only to be captured by Dino Attack Team. He later used the new Maelaser model during the final battle in LEGO City, killing many Dino Attack agents such as Randal. Holly Vinyaya was able to destroy the Maelaser with a direct shot from a Cosmotronic Ray, causing it to explode. This action infuriated Dr. Gonepus, prompting Vinyaya to accuse the mad scientist of valuing his "toys" over the lives of innocents.


It was designed to fire a devastating blast of the Maelstrom's dark energies, which could either corrupt or destroy the target depending on the power settings. After the Maelstrom Temple battle, Gonepus disabled the corruption feature on a newer Maelaser model to prevent the creation of any more Stromlings.


  • The Maelaser is a reference to the "Shoop da Whoop" meme. Its name is a portmanteau of "Maelstrom" and the last two words of "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER", which is a phrase associated with the meme.


The Maelstrom is a powerful force of chaos and destruction in the LEGO Universe.

Maelstrom Crystal[]

The Maelstrom Crystal is a dark crystal that carries a high concentration of powerful Maelstrom energies.

Maelstrom Vacuum[]

"And now, if you don't mind, I must collect some Maelstrom energy with this device here."
Wallace Bishop[12]

The Maelstrom Vacuum is a Paradox device designed to collect Maelstrom samples.


XERRD used a Maelstrom Vacuum to harvest dark energy from the Maelstrom vortex inside the Maelstrom Temple on Adventurers' Island, as well as keeping the power of the vortex in check. While Rex, Amanda Claw, and Rotor battled XERRD's scientists in the temple, Wallace Bishop used his Maelstrom Vacuum to collect Maelstrom energies from the vortex.


The Maelstrom Vacuum is designed to be durable enough to contain Maelstrom energies. Small samples of Maelstrom can be carried around in the Maelstrom Vacuum to be brought to a laboratory.

Minifigure Disguise[]

"Wait! Oh no! They also designed disguise technology. It's so high tech, they could disguise a dino as a human."

The minifigure disguise was an organic suit designed by XERRD that appeared to be a minifigure.


The minifigure disguise was used in conjunction with Redox Serum to disguise Rex as a minifig, as part of XERRD's plan to infiltrate Dino Attack Team, and the disguise was so convincing that nobody suspected the truth about his identity. After Frozeen learned about Rex's origins, he took a knife and cut open the palm of Rex's hand, exposing his mutant scales underneath; later, Rex had to wear a glove at all times to hide this from his teammates. After being formally discharged from Dino Attack Team, Rex tore open the disguise and unveiled his true Mutant T-Rex form in order to battle Sharptooth. The shredded remains of the disguise were later recovered by XERRD.


The minifigure disguise was created in the likeness of Dr. Rex, who oversaw the project. The minifig disguise was airtight, completely covering its wearer's skin. Due to its organic components, the disguise looked and felt like real minifig skin, complete with hair follicles and sweat glands. It even contained blood vessels to emulate bruises and minor cuts when injured. However, deep cuts could expose its wearer, so it was also designed to be extra durable to prevent the disguise from failing.

Mutant Dino Serum[]

"But it was too late. Axel had already spread the goo all over his fingers to look at it. The sludge started crawling up his arm, as if it knew where to go. Axel's arm started morphing, slowly, steadily, into a claw. In minutes, it had spread to his leg and neck, scales erupting in those places."
Dino Attack RPG[36]

Mutant Dino Serum, also called Mutant Dino DNA Serum, is a XERRD-created substance capable of transforming Minifigs into Mutant Dinos.


The concept of the Mutant Dino Serum was loosely based upon a scene in the famous LEGO Studios production Dino Cop, which inspired XERRD to find a way to use Mutant Dino DNA to transform Minifigs into Mutant Dinos.

Mutant Dino Serum was first discovered by Dino Attack Team during a mission to Ogel's Island, during which Axel and Hyrode were infected and turned into Mutant Lizards. After his first mutation, Snake of Spades developed an uncontrollable addiction to the serum, mutating himself whenever he got the chance. Fogel used Mutant Dino Serum to mutate Amanda Claw. Beta Force was known to be conducting experiments involving the serum to develop their own unique mutants. The Anti-Dino Project was initiated by the LEGOLAND Military in order to counter the effects of Mutant Dino Serum.


Mutant Dino Serum containing a high quantity of viruses carrying Mutant Dino DNA. When the serum comes in contact with a Minifig, the viruses inject the DNA into the victim's cells, which overrides the Minifig DNA and transforms the Minifig into a Mutant Dino. The Mutant Dino Serum also contains Maelstrom, which corrupts the victim's mind and typically reduces them to maddened, destructive monsters.


  • Before the serum's effects were firmly established, it was originally written in the Dino Attack RPG Legends continuity that the mutagenic goo turned Hyrode into an African viper. This was retconned in order to be consistent with all other instances of the serum only turning Minifigs into Mutant Dinos.


The Overloader was a destructive weapon invented by Dino Attack Team Elite Agent Reptile to help fight Mutant Dinos. It overloaded a target's power and caused that power to be turned back against the target.

Panrahk XP[]

"The agents followed, and saw them grab the one thing that he had hoped they wouldn't... the Panrahk XP Explosive. It could wipe out an entire 30 mile radius."
Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG[37]

The Panrahk XP is a powerful explosive created by Alpha Team.


The Panrahk XP explosive was developed by Alpha Team in 2004 during Mission Deep Freeze. There were two notable instances where it was used, and both times it was applied in destroying G.E. Bodies. In 2004, Frozeen used a Panrahk XP to defeat a completely-mechanical G.E. Body decoy of General Evil. In 2010, Frozeen attached another Panrahk XP to FUTURE's time machine, to destroy the machine once it returned to its origin timeline and kill FUTURE's founders (including Fogel) in the process.


The Panrahk XP is small in size but incredibly powerful. Upon detonating, it releases an enormous amount of concentrated energy, and its explosion can reach up to a 30 mile radius. This is the only handheld Alpha Team weapon that is capable of melting G.E. metal, and even so it is rarely considered a practical option due to its deadly capabilities. Therefore, only a few Panrahk XP explosives have been manufactured.


  • The Panrahk XP explosive is named after Panrahk, the Rahkshi of Fragmentation from BIONICLE.

Redox Serum[]

"His whole body was dripping with the fluid, but it very quickly evaporated. As his skin - his real skin, covered with a thick hide of black and green scales - became exposed to air, some sort of chemical reaction took place. The advanced biological chemistry that was applied to reduce his size to that of a minifig was reversed. He grew larger and larger in a matter of seconds, until he was nearly as tall as some of the buildings around him."
Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut[38]

Redox Serum is a substance developed by XERRD capable of shrinking living specimens.


XERRD used Redox Serum in their plans to reduce a prototype Mutant T-Rex to the size of a Minifig, then covered the T-Rex's skin with an airtight Minifig disguise to stall the Redox Serum's reaction with oxygen until the T-Rex was ready to break free of its disguise. Once Rex tore off the disguise, the Redox Serum quickly evaporated and he returned to his actual size.


The name "redox", derived from the scientific term to collectively refer to reduction and oxidation reactions, serves as a pun on the serum's properties. Redox Serum can be used to coat a specimen, and then reduce the subject to a much smaller size, while miraculously avoiding any negative impact on the specimen's metabolism. After a few hours, the Redox Serum will react with oxygen in the atmosphere and break down, allowing the specimen to return to its normal size.


Robo-Agents are robotic copies of Alpha Team and Dino Attack agents, which have been utilized by Dr. Voltage, Kotua, Evil Ogel, and Cane.

Robotic Mutant Dino[]

A Robotic Mutant Dino is a robot that has been constructed in the form of a Mutant Dino.

Silge Metal[]

Silge Metal is a rare metallic compound created in a reaction of G.E. Metal and Ssol Metal.


Silge Metal was first synthesized by Rex, but when XERRD learned of its existence, Dr. Rex fashioned a suit of armor for himself made from Silge Metal. Despite being nigh invulnerable, Dr. Rex's Silge armor gave him a crippling weakness against electric-based weaponry, such as that of the High-Voltage Half-Track, due to the metal's high conductivity.


Silge Metal can only be created when G.E. Metal and Ssol Metal possess certain properties that allow them to combine. The properties of G.E. Metal and Ssol Metal cancel out each others' weaknesses, and Silge Metal is impervious to all known forms of damage, including Panrahk XP explosives and Maelstrom corrosion, although high concentrations of powerful Maelstrom energy can weaken the metal.

Sonic Screamer[]

"With his concentration on Dr. Rex, Rex was not prepared for the fired blast from a Sonic Screamer behind him. It hit Rex squarely on the back of the head. At once, he heard a mind-splittingly loud hum inside his head. Rex doubled over, but fought with every effort to remain conscious."
Dino Attack RPG[39]

The Sonic Screamer is a common Dino Attack weapon that uses sonic energy.


The Sonic Screamer was originally invented by Specs for the Dino Attack Team. They were widely distributed among the team during the Dino Attack.[40] Some of these weapons were stolen by villains such as Sam Sinister,[41] and the sonic technology was even copied and replicated by XERRD for their own use.[42]


The Sonic Screamer is designed to non-lethally incapacitate its target with sonics;[43] because of this, it is often used by Dino Attack idealists who prefer incapacitation over killing.[44] On impact, the target experiences the overwhelming sensation of a loud humming sound. While Sonic Screamers cannot damage G.E. Metal, they can cause the metal to vibrate at a frequency that affects G.E. Body users.[43] In addition to being handheld,[40] Urban Avengers often use mounted Sonic Screamers[45] and every T-1 Typhoon has two Sonic Screamers controlled by the rear cockpit.[46]

Ssol Metal[]

Ssol Metal is a rare and ancient silver-hued metal found in Antarctica.


Ssol Metal was discovered by Ice Drone miners in Antarctica. Ssol Metal is best known for being used as the armor of the Silver Scorpion. Rex later collected Ssol Metal samples when he was researching Silge Metal, and XERRD did likewise when creating Dr. Rex's armor.


Due to its molecular structure, it is impervious to nearly all damage, but can be quickly corroded away by the Maelstrom.

When Ssol Metal possesses certain properties, it can be fused with G.E. Metal to form a new metal known as Silge Metal. However, these properties are rare among Ssol Metals.

Super-Spicy-Tongue-Melting-Jail-Cell-Door-Opening-Hot Pizza[]

"Well, now it seems the two T-Rexes have walked off in the time that it took Vladek to say 'super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot' that many times."
Sam Sinister[47]

The super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot-pizza is an incredibly spicy and dangerously hot pizza.


Contrary to popular belief, Papa Brickolini refuses to bake super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot pizzas.[48] It is theorized that the first super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot pizza was the result of a competitor chef's failed attempt to replicate Papa Brickolini's style. However, its unexpected popularity led to more super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot pizzas being baked in pizzerias across the globe,[9] including one pizza that was resilient enough to survive a collapsed pizzeria in LEGO City during the Dino Attack.[47]


The super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot pizza is infamous for inflicting adverse effects to those who attempt to eat it, such as burning their mouths or causing temporary fire breath. However, some people, such as Aravis and the Brickster, have no problem eating super-spicy-tongue-melting-jail-cell-door-opening-hot pizza, and the Brickster even enjoys it as a delicacy.[23][47]

Tactical Operations Armor[]

"But we can fight, Peasam! Phantom and I have T.O.A.!"

The Tactical Operations Armor, or T.O.A., is a high-tech suit of armor designed by Astor City engineers.


Three suits of Tactical Operations Armor were originally commissioned by Alpha Team agents Subzero and Rich for use during Mission Deep Freeze.[49][9] During a visit to Astor City, PBB collected at least two T.O.A. suits. These were found aboard his airship by Zero during the Dino Attack, and the two suits were later worn by Zero and Phantom.


Tactical Operations Armor greatly enhances the user's physical strength and endurance, making them stronger and faster than the average minifig. Additionally, different suits of T.O.A. come equipped with different features, including night vision goggles, camouflage, and force fields.


Teleportation Device[]

"Similarly, Michelle Glados would suddenly appear in a flash of blue light, but disappear in a flash of orange light before they could get close enough to attack her."
Dino Attack: At War's End[50]

The teleportation device, also referred to as the teleportation gun or the portal device, is a handheld tool invented by Michelle Glados.


During the invasion of the XERRD Fortress, Michelle Glados used the teleportation device to teleport a number of Dino Attack agents disguised as XERRD grunts to the front lines of the battle. She also used the device to teleport XERRD personnel out of the fortress after Señor Palomar ordered that they abandon the base. Later, she incorporated the teleportation device into her hit-and-run battle strategy. In the Maelstrom Temple battle, the device was ultimately destroyed by Minerva Fabello, forcing Glados to hastily reconstruct it for the final battle in LEGO City. There, it malfunctioned at a critical moment, cutting off Glados's escape route and leaving her vulnerable to Trouble's attack.


Designed with the intent of creating a portable Teleport Pad, the Teleportation Device allows its user to instantaneously teleport at will over short distances. The specific operating procedures the device are unknown, but it has been observed to be activated by aiming at the ground beneath the target (which may be the user or another person; it is also capable of teleporting multiple people at once) and then pulling the trigger. The original device would create a bright flash of orange light when the target teleported away, and a flash of blue light when the target appeared; for unconfirmed reasons, the rebuilt model reversed these colors.


  • The Teleportation Device was inspired by the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device from Portal.

Truth Receiver[]

"We have so much to talk about... and I imagine you'll be quite thrilled to reunite with your old friend, the Truth Receiver."

The Truth Receiver was a torture device created by Finister aboard the Villains Headquarters airship.


The Truth Receiver was used by Finister and Sam Sinister to interrogate Rex after they rescued him from Chaos, with the intention of using it on Zero and Phantom afterward. However, Frozeen unplugged the machine long enough to free Rex and, while Finister was distracted, put Sam Sinister in his place. The Truth Receiver later survived the Villains Headquarters' crash-landing and was used by Finister to interrogate Roger Remous. When Villains Headquarters was ultimately wrecked by a pack of Mutant T-Rexes, the Truth Receiver was destroyed.


It was a large machine installed into the ceiling of the villains' interrogation room, operated by a nearby control panel. When activated, it would act similarly to a vacuum, sucking up air through a narrow tube that would slowly extend towards a restrained victim. If the Truth Receiver reached the victim, it would immediately suck out all the air in their lungs and cause suffocation.


  • The Truth Receiver was inspired by the Scream Extractor from Monsters, Inc.

UlTech Infiltrator[]

The UlTech Infiltrator is a stealth robot designed and produced exclusively by UlTech Industries.

Verita Serum[]

"Did it occur to you that I merely took blood samples and gave you nothing? At the same time of the taking, the needles inserted a certain chemical into your bloodstream, which will make you, for the next hour or so, truthfully answer any question I ask you."
Dr. Rex[43]

Verita Serum is a truth serum produced by XERRD.


Dr. Rex once used Verita Serum, administered on Rex by Matthew Cyrista, in an effort to learn more about Dino Attack Team's weaknesses. From this interrogation, he learned that Dino Attack Team had internal conflicts between idealists and realists. This ultimately led to Dr. Rex planting Cam O'Cozy into Dino Attack Team to exploit this weakness.


When injected into a subject, Verita Serum will temporarily shut down necessary neurological pathways in the brain, thereby preventing the the subject from lying for a brief time. As such, it is frequently referred to as the "truth serum" by XERRD scientists.


  • Verita Serum is named after the Veritaserum potion from Harry Potter.

Z-1 Kinetic Launcher[]

"Rex fired again with his Z-1 Kinetic Launcher, pushing the Mutant T-Rex into the river."
Dino Attack RPG[51]

The Z-1 Kinetic Launcher is a weapon invented by Specs and used by the Dino Attack Team.


The Z-1 Kinetic Launcher functions similarly to the Pusher Beams used by Rock Raiders. It fires blasts of pure kinetic energy to impact its target with great force. A single shot of this weapon can send even a Mutant Raptor sprawling. However, it is less useful against Mutant T-Rexes due to their large mass, but a fully-charged Kinetic Launcher is capable of pushing a Mutant T-Rex a short distance,[51] which may be enough to cause them to stumble and fall.[52] It is often either handheld[34] or mounted on a Dino Attack vehicle such as the Iron Predator.[53]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Chapter 5: Search and Rescue." Dino Attack RPG.
  2. "Chapter 10: Lair of Evil." Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG. (Missing content.)
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Chapter 10: Lair of Evil." Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG.
  4. "Chapter 4: The Great Escape." Dino Attack RPG.
  5. "Chapter 1: Bearings." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  6. "Chapter 22: Forgotten Memories." Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Love and War.
  8. "Chapter 4: Launch." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Dino Attack RPG Wiki.
  10. "Meet The Team." LEGO Dino Attack.
  11. "Chapter 23: The First Wave." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  12. 12.0 12.1 "Chapter 7: Ashes to Ashes." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Dino Attack: The Reunion.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 "Chapter 29: Conundrums of Philosophy." Dino Attack RPG.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 "Into The Deep." LEGO Alpha Team.
  16. 16.0 16.1 LEGO Alpha Team.
  17. Alpha Team RPG: Ogel's Last Stand.
  18. "Chapter 18: Skyfall." Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut.
  19. "Chapter 39: As Time Goes On." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  20. "Chapter 20: Into the Fire." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  21. "Chapter 6: Ground Zero." Dino Attack RPG.
  22. 22.0 22.1 "Chapter 8: Blacktron Legacy." Dino Attack RPG.
  23. 23.0 23.1 "Chapter 30: Rubble Trouble." Dino Attack RPG.
  24. "Chapter 28: Island Intrusion." Dino Attack RPG.
  25. "Alpha Team Training Camp." LEGO Alpha Team.
  26. 26.0 26.1 "Alpha Team Qs-&-as From Gregf.." BZPower Forums.
  27. "Mission Deep Freeze." LEGO Alpha Team.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 "Part 1: The Beatrice Sets Sail." Pirates of the Tropical Sea: The Passage of Time.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 "Part 3: Out of Time." Pirates of the Tropical Sea: The Passage of Time.
  30. "Part 4: The Captain and the Castaway." Pirates of the Tropical Sea: The Passage of Time.
  31. "Chapter 10: Cobra Unit." Dino Attack RPG.
  32. "Chapter 12: Imagination." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  33. "Chapter 5: The Ringleader." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  34. 34.0 34.1 "Chapter 28: Most Worthless of Causes." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  35. "Chapter 9: Unleashing Chaos." Dino Attack RPG.
  36. "Chapter 7: The Monsters Within." Dino Attack RPG.
  37. "Chapter 2: Tunnel Vision." Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG.
  38. "Chapter 12: Dark Horizons." Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut.
  39. "Chapter 24: Mad Science." Dino Attack RPG.
  40. 40.0 40.1 First Assignment.
  41. "Chapter 21: The Reunion." Dino Attack RPG.
  42. "Chapter 22: Forgotten Memories." Dino Attack RPG.
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 "Chapter 23: The Scientist King." Dino Attack RPG.
  44. "Chapter 25: Hazardous Environments." Dino Attack RPG.
  45. "7474 Urban Avenger vs. Raptor." LEGO Dino Attack.
  46. "7477 T-1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex." LEGO Dino Attack.
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 "Chapter 20: Our Inner Demons." Dino Attack RPG.
  48. "Chapter 77: Let the Celebration Commence." Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut.
  49. 49.0 49.1 "Chapter 9: Terminator." Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG.
  50. "Chapter 8: Redemption." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  51. 51.0 51.1 "Chapter 26: Homecoming." Dino Attack RPG.
  52. "Chapter 26: Till Death Do Us Part." Dino Attack: At War's End.
  53. "7476 Iron Predator vs. T-Rex." LEGO Dino Attack.